Wednesday 21 November 2007

work that needs to be done

pressure, alot of things need to catch up. I haven't done the examples of bad-good web design blog entry yet, (I had written about it in my notebook, but no time to put it on blogger because i have no internet access at home, and i need not to tell you that i just moved into a flat so there are issues that concern basic living necessities that need to be sort out) but we already have another assignment of an blog entry about reflection of this course that we need to write. :(

I can't do either of them now, because i haven't done my reading for community

reading list at the moment- a community manifesto by chris wright
-virtual community by Howard Rheingold
-the queeruption website
-stonewall 25: the making of the lesbian and gay community in Britain (stonewall is a lobbying group concerning gay and lesbian right, equality etc...) (and before this book I was reading The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities , but I am not sure if either of these book is useful in describing the kind of diy, self-education activism experienced in the queeruption event)

I have come up some terms and structure that i think is important to explain in my writing in the group project
- my promises is that virtual community is rooted in reality.
- what is non-hierarchy collectives and its decision making process...?
- how does sexuality become as identity and activism in forming communities ?
- technology is seductive, and this link to Internet and virtual community

dani had produced good written work about social networking sites, we had putted them on our group wiki this monday. we also designed the layout for our page. it is basically grey blue very minimal design. dani chose the colours, and i chose those pictures :) one picture is queeruption camp site. they use that on their website to introduce visitors how to get around in the place. the other picture is a virtual city on the Second life.

in response to dani's writing on our group wiki (haha, i have to hyperlink it a thousand times because we are so proud of our work) I agree with her linking social networking website to a post-modernist symbol-game. so i found more materials in relation to her topic, and sent an email to our group members....

when we say that the meaning of "friend" changes online. when it become a little bit more like objects people gathered to show their own popularity.

I think in certain extend it is true. online community maybe make the meaning of "friend" become symbols rather than 'moral' beings. but don't need to be pessimistic about that. i mean, albeit simplistic, mechanism of friends might work in similar way to that of a petition. maybe a friend is equivalent to a vote, of some quality reassurance, on the virtual world.

fly on the wall, the "creative common" is celebrating its 5th birthday by gathering 50,000 friends on face book, myspace, and flickr
the News
you might already know that, Lessig is a the American law professor in Stanford University. he initiated the alternative copy right idea online - the creative common. there is more emphasis on freedom of artists, writers to share cooperate work together online. Look at their propaganda

however, the criticism towards creative commons important too. creative common is ambiguous on its political position. it is a extension of American copy right law, -----""the Creative Commons plays as an unconcerned corporate filter. As mentioned in Martin Hardie and "Creative License Fetishism", "When one examines closely just exactly what sort of 'freedom' is ultimately to be had within these licenses, one is quick to discover that they are primarily set up as tools meant to feed directly into corporate co-option." "

especially when you think about all these free tools - flickr, blogs, youtube, that allows people to publish online. all these tool are actually owned by big cooperation such as Microsoft and Rupert Murdoch's media companies. so if the cooperation has the project to utilise these archive of photographs people constructed and make profit out from them. those cooperation are free to do so. in the end of the day, who has the control?

-----------that is almost the end of the email that i send yesterday.

and i have been trying to construct my writing since yesterday. but I'm still in the stage of reading. anyways, carry on working. our goal is that every body can finsih their part of writing this week so we can piece them together next week.
and then that is the deadline.

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