Monday 12 November 2007

Class feedback for last week

The lectures in last two weeks were about definitions of community and blog/academic writing. I have to say that I didn’t get much out from the classes because I didn’t engage with the class discussion. I had all these arguments in my head already. So “What the point of arguing and add up confusions in the class?” I thought.

I was hoping the class can clarify some ambiguities around these terms. But instead I could only find some clarification to Internet writing and community through a festival called Ars Electronica. Within the festival, there was a competition category called Digital Community. They asked some vital questions: how to technology can be used to bridge digital divide, what is the social responsibility of initiatives of digital community in democratisation, equality, education, professionalisation etc.

In terms of the writings on Internet, the competition asked if it was possible for blogging to become new forms of journalism or “citizens journalism”...

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