Sunday 4 November 2007

community - friendships?

A mouse and a frog meet every morning on the riverbank.
They sit in a nook of the ground and talk.

Each morning, the second they see each other,
they open easily, telling stories and dreams and secrets,
empty of any fear or suspicious holding back.

To watch, and listen to those two
is to understand how, as it’s written,
sometimes when two beings come together,
The All becomes visible.

The mouse starts laughing out a story he hasn’t thought of
in five years, and the telling might take five years!
There’s no blocking the speechflow-river-running-
all-carrying momentum that true intimacy is.....

Many years ago

rather than using commonality to describe the formation of a community, how about using the idea of friendship as the basis of a community? then, what should our group project do? the meaning of friendships; the process of building up a friendship; the problems of a failing friendship?? haha

Haven't build up a good habit of research for this project yet. I believe there are much interesting things we can do with it. but right at the moment, I am puzzled where to start. I had been reading other group member's blog, dani's blog is quit inspiring. -Considering this it would be interesting to see how many heterosexuals as opposed to homosexuals identify themselves as being part of a community in relation to their sexuality.-

want to go to sleep now. such a strange entry with no beginning or end isn't it.

1 comment:

Daniela said...

Glad you find my blog inspiring ;o)

I have thought of friendship possibly forming the basis of communities but then again... are they?

I don't consider myself friends with say all the Arsenal supporters out there even though I'd say I belong to a community in relation to supporting Arsenal... so confusing!
