Tuesday 9 October 2007

two assignments for this applied study
1. group wiki: should write about group research project: people in the group; the research topic; decision making process;
2. personal blog: a reflective dairy of what I have learnt compares to what i already know before...

where am I coming from?
I use to play with animation, graphic, film editing programs alot. and had too much coffee, and bad health. I use to design graphic based websites, but hate to mentain them. I use to be very geeky and excitied by computer learning, but my learning got stucked when i try to learn programing and database stuff, because i don't have the basic training of computer coding. I was facinated by computer art like this http://www.levitated.net/p5/chamber/ - a program written in simple code but can draw amazing images, grow organic structure. but I got bored with these kind of art after a while. because I can't find deeper meaning to it. (its time to become a traveler to experience the real world! ;D )

what I want to learn from the class?
see how it goes...

what I have learnt from the first class?
the potencial of internet social network. ... the population of Myspace is bigger then any country in the world. I waste so much time online doing facebook/myspace/livejournal, feel guilty to even think about it. how i can use internet communication more effciently? i mean... i want to do useful things like check gardien online or bbc online radio or doing interesting things such as constructing a online book full of jokes... but never get my head around to do it.
computer teching is more then about using tools.... it more about how the tools can be more useful for us....


nengyu said...

found something useful



Nogbad said...

Erm. I think I said that the population of MySpace made it roughly the tenth biggest country in the world rather than the biggest! :-)